Third Millennium Research, Inc
Third Millennium Research, Inc


Whether your private nonprofit organization (NPO) is charitable, philanthropic, faith-based, health-promoting, professional or scientific, community, social, etc., Third Millennium Analytics, Inc. can help generate, manage, and analyze the data you need for effective strategic marketing and planning.  Similar to businesses, your NPO can benefit greatly from demographic, survey, and evaluation research, and the development of a marketing information system.

We begin by learning and understanding your NPO’s mission, goals, objectives, marketing strategy, programs, projects, organizational structure and workforce, and both external clients (i.e., benefactors, or those receiving services) and internal clients (i.e., constituents, volunteers, financial contributors).

If your NPO has already implemented a strategic marketing plan and has benchmarks in place, we can provide objective assessments of programs or projects stemming from that plan.   They can involve, for example, evaluations of efforts to increase public awareness, to increase membership, improve volunteer recruiting and support, the comparison of competing fund-raising tactics, as well as of social marketing efforts, communications, and advertising campaigns.  The results of these assessments are helpful for informing new rounds of strategic marketing.

We can help develop strategic marketing plans, establish a marketing information system, as well as implement strategies to establish benchmarks and baseline measures.  For example, we can assist with the design, administration, and analysis of surveys, which will help you better understand the attitudes, decision-making, and behavior of both internal and external clients, as well as make informed decisions regarding the segmentation of markets.

Demographic techniques can also be applied in ways to help you maximize the dissemination of your products, services, or good works to external clients, or to expand their influence or market share.  By making use of survey and census data, demographic analysis can be very helpful for maintaining or extending your “membership” as well as for redesigning your programs to accommodate changing demographic profiles of your members (i.e., participants, donors, beneficiaries).  Analysis of aggregate demographic data can also help you determine geographic boundaries for new local chapters or reorganize pre-existing chapters.